“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more. Making a career change as a mid-career professional: “But as a young professional exposed to the effects of the Great Recession and two rounds of layoffs in as many years, I decided to take a step back and consider what was motivating me both personally and professionally. Through that process of discovery and self-reflection, I came to realize I wasn’t on a good path at all. I had no defined goals beyond the next promotion; I wasn’t building anything I valued…
The Need For Financial Planning: Coronavirus Advice
“The Need for Financial Planning” covers financial planning topics and ties in data suggesting the opportunity for new and prospective advisors to improve America’s financial health. A tweet from Michael Kitces over the weekend about Northwestern Mutual’s latest survey caught my eye: 20% is a pretty significant chunk of these consumers looking for an advisor for the first time(!). The XY Planning Network‘s advisors seem poised to best service this new influx of prospective clients. They have built their fee-only compensation model (monthly retainer vs. AUM-only) to specifically serve these generations. And while experiencing huge growth since its launch in 2014 (30 members its first year), XYPN’s total advisor count…