“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more. Thinking about financial planning similar to doctors practicing medicine: “Financial advisors obviously aren’t saving lives like doctors do. But financial problems are a leading cause of stress in our lives. And I have to wonder – if more financial advisors started thinking more like doctors would this actually reduce the financial stress that occurs for so many people? My guess is yes.” Should We Treat Financial Advisors More Like Doctors? (Cullen Roche, Pragmatic Capitalism) How sharing your story through social media content can…
Book Notes: “Sell Or Be Sold,” by Grant Cardone — Chapters 13 through 15.
“Book Notes” is a collection of notes from books relevant to entering the industry and practicing financial planning. *** Note: For a series introduction and an explanation of my interest in the book, check out this page with my notes on the first three chapters. *** Chapter 13: Massive Action In Chapter 13, Cardone introduces his 10X principle which has become one of his core principles. He begins the chapter by opining that most people underestimate the amount of work it takes to reach their goals. Next, he describes his view on four different types of action. He goes on to note the benefits of taking massive action and to…
Book Notes: “Sell Or Be Sold,” by Grant Cardone — Chapters 10 through 12.
“Book Notes” is a collection of notes from books relevant to entering the industry and practicing financial planning. *** Note: For a series introduction and an explanation of my interest in the book, check out this page with my notes on the first three chapters. *** Chapter 10: Establishing Trust Cardone begins this chapter by reminding readers of the skepticism buyers typically feel towards salespeople – and whose responsibility it is to handle that distrust to make the sale. He goes on to explain when individuals should address the trust issue and his preferred way to increase credibility. “Distrust in the sales cycle is not the buyer’s problem, but yours!”…
Book Notes: “Sell Or Be Sold,” by Grant Cardone — Chapters 7 through 9.
“Book Notes” is a collection of notes from books relevant to entering the industry and practicing financial planning. *** Note: For a series introduction and an explanation of my interest in the book, check out this page with my notes on the first three chapters. *** Chapter 7: Your Buyer’s Money This chapter touches on the assumptions salespeople make about the availability of money, the buyer’s willingness to spend, and reasons buyers buy complementary or add-on products. There is an especially large amount of “fluff” and writing in absolutes in this chapter. The main helpful takeaway is to not assume your own personal buying tendencies (how easily you part with…
Book Notes: “Sell Or Be Sold,” by Grant Cardone — Chapters 4 through 6.
“Book Notes” is a collection of notes from books relevant to entering the industry and practicing financial planning. *** Note: For a series introduction and an explanation of my interest in the book, check out this page with my notes on the first three chapters. *** Chapter 4: The Greats After Cardone contrasts professionals and amateurs in Chapter 3, he uses Chapter 4 to explain the importance of commitment, why looking for “greener pastures” is a recipe for failure, how commitment can lead to predicting outcomes, an alternative explanation for why people don’t like sales (other than rejection), and what makes a truly great salesperson: “Commit: to devote oneself completely…
Book Notes: “Sell or Be Sold,” by Grant Cardone — Chapters 1 through 3.
“Book Notes” is a collection of notes from books relevant to entering the industry and practicing financial planning. *** Series introductory note: As the first post in the “Book Notes” series, I thought I would take a moment to explain the rationale behind the series. When entering the industry, you have probably come across various book recommendations from a variety of professionals you respect. Similarly, I have come across several books that meet the same criteria. As such, I thought I would share some of the notes from these books that may be helpful on their own and/or serve as a catalyst for you to pick up the book and…