“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more. Treyton DeVore shares the content repurposing routine that led to AllStreet Wealth’s extraordinary growth, the efficiencies he’s experienced from iterating niches, and more [Podcast]: “You still have to be conscious of quality, but you can’t let perfection stop you from putting out content either. You’re going to get better over time. You just have to balance between ‘Am I getting better and is this working?’ and ‘Do I actually need to pivot and do something else?’ … That stuff is super,…
Weekend Content for New Financial Planners (September 17-18, 2022)
“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more. A pioneer in integrating psychology and personal finance, Rick Kahler on a number of behavioral topics including [Podcast]: When not to ask questions in order to avoid interrupting the conversational flow Why some client financial behaviors may initially look illogical, but make sense after a few follow-up questions The importance of active listening and using pauses in conversation And more… “That’s the hardest thing to give up: ‘I know the answer to this, I know the answer to that. I know…
Weekend Content for New Financial Planners (September 10-11, 2022)
“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more. Thomas Kopelman and Treyton Devore reflect on their exceptional first year in business and cover a wide range of underlying principles and tactics including [Podcast]: The importance of planning and prioritizing every touchpoint in your client experience Auditing activities to recognize which give you energy Outsourcing early And more… “Now an assistant is going to be starting in October because, sure I could make $30,000 more a year if I didn’t hire those roles, but also I couldn’t scale at one…
Weekend Content for New Financial Planners (September 3-5, 2022)
“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more. Michael Kitces, Carl Richards, and Bill Bachrach on communicating your fees to prospective clients: describing your value, framing your fees, and more [Article]: Kitces: “‘Show me a prospect meeting where the prospect talked 80% of the time and it’s a very high likelihood that they’re going to end [up] doing business’ with you ‘because, at the end of the day, if they feel like they got their stuff out there and they feel heard,’ that tends to work in the advisor’s…