Weekend Content for New Planners

Weekend Content for New Financial Planners (June 27-28, 2020)

“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more.

Making a career change as a mid-career professional:

But as a young professional exposed to the effects of the Great Recession and two rounds of layoffs in as many years, I decided to take a step back and consider what was motivating me both personally and professionally. Through that process of discovery and self-reflection, I came to realize I wasn’t on a good path at all. I had no defined goals beyond the next promotion; I wasn’t building anything I valued and I wasn’t doing work that positively affected people.

Why I Became A Financial Advisor At Age 40 (Joey Schultz, FinancialPlanningAssociation.org)

Two podcast episodes exploring working full-time and launching a firm on the side:

“I knew going into it I did not want to accumulate debt to start the business. … And so through the first year, in order to extend my runway a little bit, I always worked a part-time job or a side-gig.”

A Non-Traditional Approach To Building A Firm: Working Full-Time To Remain Cash Flow Positive: The Career Of Tyler Landes (Maddy Roche, XYPlanningNetwork.com)

“From 2011 to 2017 I ran this as a side hustle while still working at Crayola. …I actually wasn’t very heavily marketing. But what I was doing was a lot of in-person networking. So I would just take vacation days from work and go to conferences…”

Lifting The Mental Health Stigma: How Prioritizing Happiness And Changing Careers Can Help You Live A More Fulfilling Life, The Career Of Dave Rowan (Maddy Roche, XYPlanningNetwork.com)

Networking in a virtual environment:

“Network in a way that feels true to who you are. Are people wowed by your intellect? Think about how to share digestible nuggets of that brilliance in online posts or updates. If your brainpower typically comes to light in the discussion after a meaty talk or lecture, look for virtual events focused around a thought leader, where there is plenty of opportunity for peer-to-peer conversation or Q&A.”

How to Network When You Can’t Meet Up With People ($) (Alexandra Samuel, WSJ.com)

Three helpful articles as you study for the CFP® exam:

What is it about walking, in particular, that makes it so amenable to thinking and writing? The answer begins with changes to our chemistry. When we go for a walk, the heart pumps faster, circulating more blood and oxygen not just to the muscles but to all the organs—including the brain. Many experiments have shown that after or during exercise, even very mild exertion, people perform better on tests of memory and attention.

Why Walking Helps Us Think (Ferris Jabr, NewYorker.com)

“The findings surprised us: despite the fact that an overwhelming 69% of the CMOs (Chief Medical Officers) described their current stress level as severe, very severe, or worst possiblethe majority were not burned out according to the Maslach Burnout Inventory.”

Why Some People Get Burned Out And Others Don’t (Kandi Wiens and Annie McKee, HBR.org)

“For the most part, this is helpful. Smartphones organize our days, keep us updated on the news, and allow us to communicate with people out of our physical reach. But when it comes to growing and developing our memories, is technology helping or hurting us?”

How To Build A Stronger Memory (Philip White, HBR.org)

What topic resonated with you? Comment below.

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