“What’s Trending For New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more. Jason Wenk and Dasarte Yarnway share the principles and practices from the top advisors they interviewed in 2023 as well as a few predictions for 2024 [Podcast with Transcript]: “Having done this for so long and talked to so many advisors for so many years, most people, when they have a big breakthrough, it’s something they already knew. So, it’s not like we don’t know being focused is a good thing. But then we meet with these advisors that are performing…
Weekend Content for New Financial Planners (February 19-20, 2022)
“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more. Financial planners Scott Frank and James Conole discuss the best ways to become a financial planner as well as [Podcast]: Their own stories of how they got into the industry The differing standards and models of RIAs and broker/dealers Various entry-level roles, responsibilities, and career pathways Resources for securing new positions “Probably the best thing that it’s giving you is a chance to observe. Like I said before, you have this sense that it’s all about the money and having to…
Weekend Content for New Financial Planners (January 8-9, 2022)
“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more. If you’re considering launching an RIA or any entrepreneurial project, Altruist’s Jason Wenk discusses “betting on yourself” with Dasarte Yarnway including [Podcast]: Re-thinking a definition of failure The importance of surrounding yourself with similarly-minded individuals Leveraging the advantages of entrepreneurship vs. established financial firms Altruist’s “cultural playbook” and three core values And more… “The most innovative people in the world have an abundance mindset. So, they’re not making decisions based on fear and so it’s not that scary to bet on…