“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more. Legacy Investment Planning founder and advisor Sten Morgan shares how he delivers and communicates massive value upfront to prospects and why he isn’t afraid they will “take it and run” [Podcast and Transcript]: “As a young advisor, when I got a ‘plate appearance,’ I had to hit it. Like, I couldn’t afford to miss out on good prospects because I wasn’t having a lot, as I was building my practice. So I had to say, ‘My close rate had to be…
Weekend Content for New Financial Planners (December 5-6, 2020)
“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more. Financial planning professor and blogger Mary Carlson talks about her winding journey through the industry, the key question she asked to open job opportunities early on, being willing to make changes to find your fit (while not burning bridges), and more: [Podcast]: “I knew pretty early on that I wanted to be both a career woman and a mother. That has always been really important and near and dear to my heart. I led kind of a winding path through my…
Weekend Content for New Financial Planners (October 24-25, 2020)
“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more. Improve your prospect conversion rate by clearly defining your prospect process, making it “haggle-free,” and showing you’re not a salesperson: “We had a pretty low conversion rate. So we had to make a change early on in what we were doing with people that were contacting us. So one of the first things that we did was we implemented a fee structure for our initial consultation. It was amazing when we did that two things happened: (1) we only got people…