“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more.
Matt Sonnen shows why defining a niche, or target client “persona” is so important and affects more than just your marketing [Article: 4-minute read]:
“Nikolee then added some hard data supporting her advice. Citing Schwab’s benchmarking data, she quoted that firms that have a documented ideal client persona to guide them add 28% more clients annually, which represents 45% more assets.”
How Important Is It To Define Your Ideal Client? [Matt Sonnen, WealthManagement.com]
Why a podcast can develop greater relationships with current and prospective clients [Article: 4-minute read]:
“Want a closer relationship with your clients? Well, you can’t get any closer than chatting in their ear while they cook dinner.
That’s exactly what podcasting lets you do. You can become as much a part of your clients’ lives as their own family. More and more advisers are creating great podcasts, building better relationships with clients, prospects, and even with people who are completely outside their circles.“
3 Reasons An Adviser Should Have A Podcast [Megan Carpenter, InvestmentNews.com]

Define Financial’s Taylor Schulte shares his origin story and how new planners today can get their first clients [Podcast: 36-minutes]:
“The biggest challenge is the sales cycle for a comprehensive financial planner is long. For someone to go from not knowing who I am to handing over millions of dollars of their life savings to this stranger – that takes time. It takes time for me to build trust with them and earn that trust. So, that’s the challenging part. It’s a big decision for people.”
Securing Clients As A New Planner With Taylor Schulte [Caleb Brown, New Planner Recruiting]
Three NexGen advisors speak with Hannah Moore about how they took control of their careers [Podcast: 54-minutes]:
“I think it’s important to realize that you are your biggest advocate at the end of the day. So when you’re trying to take ownership of your career, it is in your best interest to have those conversations and tell people what you want and where you want to go. That’s going to accelerate your growth and your progression as an advisor.”
Managing Your Career with Christopher Stroup, MBA, Kurtis Rohlf, and Riley Saunders, CFP® [Hannah Moore, Financial Planning Association]
The questions advisors need to answer to help boost client referrals [Article: 6-minute read]:
“Let’s look at this from a 30,000 ft view. Everyone wants more referrals. But nobody wants to ask for them. So you focus on providing great service hoping that will do the trick. Your clients love you but they’re still not referring you as much as you would like. COIs aren’t referring back to you either. What or who is the common denominator?”
Overcoming The Five Barriers To More And Better Referrals [Michelle Donovan, Advisor Perspectives]
Housel encourages readers to “play their own game” through the lens of investing, but this piece equally applies to how you build your career, decide on your client niche, etc. [Article: 4-minute read]:
“Someone recently asked how my investment views have changed in the last decade. I said I’m less judgemental about how other people invest than I used to be.
It’s so easy to lump everyone into a category called ‘investors’ and view them as playing on the same field called ‘markets.’
But people play wildly different games.”
Play Your Own Game [Morgan Housel, Collaborative Fund]
Which piece of content did you like? Comment below!
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