“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more.
Founder and president of Wealth Consulting Partners Gavin Spitzner sits down with Ron Bullis for a wide-ranging interview including [Podcast and Video]:
- What areas new advisors can focus on to grow faster
- How he sees the industry changing over the next 5 to 10 years
- What it will take for financial planning to truly be considered a profession
Gavin Spitzner | The Future Of Advice [Ron Bullis, Lifeworks]
ICYMI: How to systematize “surprising and delighting” clients and become more referrable [Video]:
How To Consistently “Surprise & Delight” Clients [Penny Phillips, Practice Management With Penny]
A framework for developing your “elevator pitch” [Video]
Keys To Crafting Your Perfect Elevator Pitch [Caleb Brown, New Planner Recruiting]
Tips for avoiding professional burnout [Article]:
“Facing a profession in a state of rapid change, financial advisors are already overburdening their emotions and intellect—but the pressures of Covid-19 have made things even more stressful.
Some advisors are burning out, said Jennifer Tarsney, director of New York Life Investments’ Advisor Advancement Institute (AAI).
Before the pandemic, changing client demographics were one of the leading stressors for advisors, said Tarsney.
‘What burns out advisors in a normal scenario is the amount of client contact needed these days to keep clients happy,’ she said. …’Advisors, in general, are struggling to keep up with these new expectations.'”
How You Can Prevent Advisor Burnout [Christopher Robbins, Financial Advisor]
How to optimize your website’s primary and secondary calls-to-action [Article]:
“A common sentiment from advisors is ‘I have a great website, but it just doesn’t produce any leads for our firm.’ While frustrating, this is not uncommon. In fact, 97% of all website visitors do NOT convert on the first visit?
Of course, it makes sense that most people visiting your site for the very first time are not going to be ready to pull the trigger and book a meeting with you. Some are just checking you out, some might be entering via a blog post you wrote on a specific topic, and some might just not be in the place where they think they are ready to start a new relationship with an advisor yet.
But wouldn’t it be nice if you could capture more of these visitors’ information, so you could continue to send them marketing emails and stay in front of them, so that when the time comes that they are ready to engage, you are the first firm they think of?“
How To Capture More Leads From Your Financial Advisor Website [Samantha Russell, WealthManagement.com]
Which piece of content did you like? Comment below!
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