“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more.
Financial planner, fintech consultant, and Monarch Money’s Head of Financial Advice Natalie Taylor on [Podcast]:
- The importance of “Big Wins” early on during implementation
- How she presents information to clients to encourage ownership
- Why she optimizes around implementation rather than “perfect financial planning”
- A handful of solid marketing tips around messaging
“On a website, it’s about them knowing they landed in the right place because of who they are and not because of who you are. You want to help them feel known rather than them know you.
Instead of saying ‘I’m a Certified Financial Planner and behavioral financial advisor, etc.’ I say ‘I help working parents in their 30s and 40s with young kids who are juggling careers, child care, saving for college, and retirement and equity comp decisions.’ Then someone goes ‘Oh, she knows me. She nailed me.’ If not then they’re not the right person and they’re off my page and that’s the right thing to do.”
Values-Based Financial Advice That Works In Real Life With Natalie Taylor [Brendan Frazier, The Human Side of Money]
Stephen Boswell and Kevin Nichols of The Oechsli Institute on the “ARM framework” for transitioning the “what’s going on in the markets?” question into a potential introductory meeting [Podcast at 21:30-mark or Video]:
“We do this because when you study the best in the business this is part of their game plan. And guess what? They’re not ostracized from their community – people like them. They have friends. So some of that comes down to the techniques that we’re going to talk through today.”
Turning Social Contacts Into Business Opportunities [Stephen Boswell & Kevin Nichols, The Stephen and Kevin Show]
Michael Kitces on Millennials becoming more attractive to advisors and Samantha Russell follows up with five inexpensive ways to reach them [Articles]:
“Millennials are quickly redefining what it means to market advisory firm.
Not only are they projected to become the largest generation in the United States by 2028, but they also possess more wealth on average than any other generation. And advisors are taking notice. In 2016, only 50% of millennials said they had an advisor. A mere four years later in 2020, that number had grown to 75%.
But how exactly do you do this without adjusting your entire marketing strategy?“
Five Cost-Effective Strategies To Reach Millennials [Samantha Russell, Advisor Perspectives]
If you are just starting to get clients, the case for focusing internally (vs. on marketing)…
Which pairs well with this podcast episode from the Kitces archives on “Founders Clubs” [Podcast at 38:18-mark and Transcript]:
“But part of what ACP taught me was how to go to people I was already acquainted with and get their feedback on the financial planning model that I was going to be using as a way to, among other things, let people know, ‘This is what I’m doing now.'”
Career-Changing Into Financial Planning By Creating A Niche Serving Your Former Profession, with Kenneth Robinson [Michael Kitces, Kitces.com]
Which piece of content did you like? Comment below!
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