“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more.
ProudMouth’s Matt Halloran on the science behind why podcasts are so effective at nurturing prospective clients [Podcast or Video]:
The Power Of Podcasting [Candice Carlton & Meg Carpenter, The New Skool]
Transitus Wealth Partners founder Ross Marino shares the 4 questions he always asks during introductory meetings [Podcast]:
“You do all this work and people get overwhelmed. They can’t follow through.
Part of it is: if you have a pain in your knee, don’t talk to me about nutrition because my knee’s hurting so badly. I’ve got to fix the pain in my knee.
We’re telling people. ‘Well, we’ve got to make sure that you hydrate and we have to make sure you eat carbs, protein, and fat.’ We go on and on, with all of these things in the financial sense of, here’s what we need to do. And all they’re thinking is: ‘I have a problem that keeps me up at night. Can you help me?’
So the misconception is that we have to do all of this before we can have a conversation. When, in reality, you really have to meet them where they’re at. Help them out with whatever situation they’re dealing with and then you can build on that sequentially and it’ll actually make a big difference.”
A Human-First Approach To Financial Planning [Johnny Sandquist & Brodrick Lothringer, On The Circuit]
Wired Planning’s Brendan Frazier with questions to ask throughout the client experience (as well as what not to ask) [Article]:
“Asking questions is a proven, tested technique to increase likability, build trust and uncover personal, sensitive but valuable information.
Once you embrace the superpower of asking questions, the next step is this:
Okay, but what questions should I ask?
And, while that’s a good place to start, there’s a secret the best question-askers know that most people don’t.
More important than what you ask is when you ask it.
The Top Three Questions For Each Step Of The Client Journey [Brendan Frazier, Advisor Perspectives]
If you’re unfamiliar with the Virtual Externship program created by Hannah Moore, an overview of what you can expect [Article]:
“Moore started conceptualizing the Virtual Externship by throwing out every assumption about what a financial planning internship should be. ‘We reimagined the whole experience,’ she says. In a traditional internship, students generally get to experience one firm. The Externship exposes participants to 25 advisories. Each week, it introduces participants to three expert advisors who share their workflows and actual deliverables. Students watch life simulations of various processes, and they are tested periodically to ensure they understand the fundamental concepts of eight areas, including retirement planning, insurance and risk management, and tax and estate planning.”
Virtual Externship Offers Pathways For The Next Generation Of Financial Planners [John Kador, WealthManagement.com]
With the seeming acceleration of A.I., Ben Carlson on its impact on financial advisors [Article]:
“And the thing is we’re still in the early days. This stuff is still in its infancy and is only going to get better.
So will everyone have their own AI advisor that creates and executes a financial plan on their behalf?
It wouldn’t surprise me if that existed someday.
Do we need John Connor to go back in time to save the financial advisor profession from this technology?
I’d actually go the other way here — if AI lives up to its promise it’s eventually going to become a commodity that everyone has access to.
That only increases the value of human advice.”
Will AI Replace Financial Advisors? [Ben Carlson, A Wealth Of Common Sense]
Which was your favorite takeaway? Comment below!
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