“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more.
Air Force veteran and XY Planning Network advisor Daniel Kopp shares:
- How he developed his marketing “flywheel” including calculated bets with Google Ads that returned 5X revenue in 2 years
- The advantages (and trade-offs) of providing financial life planning with clients
- How his military background showed him the importance of feedback loops, iteration, and the power of checklists
“In that first year or so, because I had spent time networking within the communities, that ultimately became the niche. So the widows and the military now, I never was advertising my service, but I was just staying engaged. One of the key places was Facebook groups and informing and educating, sharing what I had learned such that when I finally opened my doors, people had been following me and interacting. I was a known commodity. We’ve talked about that on this podcast for the know, like, and trust.
And so there was a group of people out there in addition to those influencers, those people in the military space, especially those who weren’t financial planners, but they were in the financial space adjacent. And so they would send referrals to me such that within the first couple of months, like half of my new clients in that first year were, you know, known commodities, friends, family, friends of friends. But half were completely cold, never came upon me, never knew anything about me.”
Ep #315: Growing Your Firm with Digital Marketing: A Conversation with Daniel Kopp [Maddy Roche, XYPN Radio]
The immense value to your career in becoming an “uncertainty killer” [Article]:
“This is what I mean by reducing uncertainty. You have to make sure that information is flowing in a way so that you become a trusted resource wherever you go. The more consistently you do this, the less time and energy others will spend worrying about you and your ability to get things done.
Don’t just do this with your boss either. Do it with everyone you work with. Practice reducing uncertainty so that it becomes second nature to you. Practice it until you become an uncertainty killer. Then watch what happens.”
Want to Improve Your Career? Become an Uncertainty Killer [Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars And Data]
Proven tactics for getting more YouTube views [Article or Video]:
“The reason this is important and why we’re talking about this is it’s becoming more and more competitive. A lot of people are creating content via blogs, but not many people are still creating content through video.
Video is really in its infancy, if you will, as a form of content in the financial advisory space. And that’s for a lot of reasons. People feel uncomfortable being on video. They feel like they don’t have the right equipment. They feel like they don’t really know what to do with the video once they create or what they will talk about. So for all those reasons, people aren’t creating video.
Today, specifically, I’m going to talk about what to do. Once you are creating that content again, the opportunity is ripe. And for the people who are going to get started creating video content, there is a lot of opportunity to rise to the top of the search results.”
7 Proven Ways to Get More Views on Youtube – Video Marketing for Financial Advisors [Andrei Paras, Lead Pilot]
Why young financial advisors need a niche [Article]:
“By focusing on a narrow subset of potential clients with similar characteristics and needs, younger advisors will benefit in many ways:
Working with a niche directs their time and attention. It guides them in knowing the people to network with, the centers of influence to meet, the events to attend, and the content to create.
It gives them a way to differentiate themselves. When advisors are asked to market as generalists, they sound like everyone else. Younger advisors don’t have the years of experience to back up their claims. Specializing in a niche makes them unique. They can offer expertise that most other financial advisors can’t claim.
They overcome the lack of a large network because they market themselves based on expertise within a niche, not the transfer of trust from long-standing personal or professional relationships.
After a year or two of attaining expertise with a niche, they overcome any perceived lack of experience (as measured by years).“
Young Financial Advisors Need a Niche [Kristen Luke, Advisor Perspectives]
A guide to the industry for new planners [Article]:
“Financial planning is a unique and attractive profession. It combines the hard science of mathematics with the soft, behavioral aspects of psychology in a manner that is unlike any other profession. The potential impact a trusted advisor can have on their clients, along with the growing demand for their expertise, make entering the profession even more compelling. But how does an aspiring planner join the profession? What steps must be taken to be an attractive candidate for securing entry-level financial planning positions?“
Charting Your Course: A Beginner’s Guide To Joining The Financial Planning Profession [Caleb Brown, New Planner Recruiting]
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