Weekend Content for New Planners

Weekend Content for New Financial Planners (July 23-24, 2022)

“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more.

Why Samuel Deane narrowed his niche, the importance of conducting “user interviews,” his 5-step inbound content marketing framework, and more [Podcast]:

“I didn’t spend a ton of time in the industry, so I didn’t go through like any extensive sales training or anything like that. So, I am not someone who likes rejection. Yes, I’m an entrepreneur, and yes I take risks and those sorts of things, but I would much rather ‘put my brain on the Internet’ and let people who it resonates with reach out to me versus me cold-calling and DM’ing people on LinkedIn.”

The Five-Step Framework To Inbound Marketing For RIA Growth With Samuel Deane [Jason Wenk & Dasarte Yarnway, The Advisor Journey]

Tim Maurer on applied behavioral finance including [Podcast]:

  • The importance of uncovering a client’s “Why”
  • How to leverage Kahneman’s “System 1” thinking for sound financial decisions
  • The timelessness of “Pleasant Persistence”
  • How to use “Intention Cards” for deeper conversations
  • And more…

“They are all screaming that System 1 is not actually the problem. It could be part of the solution. So, for one, if people are using their System 1 to make 80% of their financial decisions, do you think that it’s important that you’re aware of it? Do you think it’s important that you understand it, at least so you can navigate those emotions? And, then, when it really clicked, what I believe you come to realize is that System 1, in addition to being a source of ‘irrational decisions,’ …it can also be the source of resolve.”

Infusing Life Into The Financial Planning Process [Brendan Frazier, The Human Side of Money]

Joy Lere on the source of “Imposter Syndrome” and how to overcome it [Article]:

“I’ve spent over a decade behind closed doors with bright, accomplished individuals–executives, attorneys, physicians, politicians, and the people you see on the nightly news. From my conversations, I can attest that just about everyone, to a certain extent, is making it up as they go. If you struggle with imposter syndrome, you’re not alone. For better or worse, no one has it all figured out.”

Imposters [Joy Lere, Finding Joy]

Katie Braden with video marketing tactics including framing, microphone recommendations, and more [Video]:

Video Marketing For Financial Advisors [Jay Coulter, Financial Advisor TV]

New Planner Recruiting’s Caleb Brown with advice on salary requirements and acquiring new skills when trying to obtain a new position in a down market [Video]:

How To Secure A Great Fit Position During A Down Market [Caleb Brown, New Planner Recruiting]

Carl Richards with some heuristics on when to continue (or terminate) projects [Podcast]:

“In fact, she said she went to her therapist and asked ‘Hey, what’s the difference between perseverance and insanity?’ That was such a great question because there’s a fine line and we don’t really know, often we don’t really know when we’ve crossed it.”

Perseverance Vs Insanity [Carl Richards, Behavior Gap Radio]

Which piece of content did you like? Comment below!

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