“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more.
Robert Sofia’s marketing formula to stand out among other firms: bold, yet “on brand” [Article]:
“Braveness begets boldness. Oftentimes we see the same old and do the same old in marketing because we’re too afraid to do anything different. What would our customers think? What would our competitors think?
We fear judgment and reactions. So we play it safe. We stick to the path most traveled.
This is why so many logos, websites, emails and marketing material look the same within an industry.
Go ahead. Look up logos of your competitors. Look at their websites. Now look at your logo and website.
To stand out in the sea of sameness, you need to be willing to be different.”
A Tale Of Two Advisers, And Why Boldness Wins [Robert Sofia, InvestmentNews]
How stories influence the brain and a 7-step storytelling framework [Article or Podcast]:
“Telling a really good story helps people relax. They can lean back in their chairs and listen and simply enjoy the content they’re consuming.
This experience has a huge impact on brain chemistry. Listening to a great story releases certain chemicals in the brain that create the reactions we hope our audience will have.
“When someone hears a good story from you on YouTube—or really on any social media channel—they’re reacting exactly how you hope they’d react. They’re focusing on your content, remembering it, and wanting more of it because it makes them feel good. They’re becoming relaxed and empathetic toward you because you show vulnerability, and they’re motivated to take action. All of this leads to a deeper bond between you and your audience…”
How To Use Story To Boost Your YouTube Views [Michael Stelzner, Social Media Examiner]
The rise of “finfluencers” [Article]:
“Hankwitz is part of a new cohort of so-called ‘finfluencers’ who are taking their knowledge and expertise of social media into the financial realm, breathing new life into stodgy prospecting campaigns that have largely relied on blog posts and dinner seminars promising free buffets.“
The ‘Finfluencer’ Takeover Of Digital Marketing [Sean Allocca, InvestmentNews]
The biggest resume mistakes New Planner Recruiting’s Caleb Brown comes across [Video]:
3 Biggest Resume Mistakes [Caleb Brown, New Planner Recruiting]
As the saying goes, don’t be so busy making a living that you forget to make a life [Article]:
“As I’ve gotten older, I’ve started to realize the importance of these kinds of decisions and I regret not investing even more in them when I was younger. I regret not paying more attention to values earlier in a relationship. I regret not being as cognizant about what I want. I get that this is a learning process, but it’s always so difficult looking back and realizing your mistakes now.
How could I have been so foolish? How did I not realize what was staring me right in the face?”
The Most Important Decision In Life [Nick Maggiulli, Of Dollars And Data]
Which piece of content did you like? Comment below!
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