“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more.
More precise and optimized planning priorities, error minimization, and surprising benefits of incorporating planning flowcharts and checklists into your practice (podcast link below video):
#261 – Mike Lecours, fpPathfinder – We’re Seeing More Advisors Start To Build This Into A Core Part Of Their Business (Meb Faber, The Meb Faber Show)
Optimize your subject lines to increase open rates (article link below video):
“Eight out of 10 people will read the subject line of an email, while only two of them will go on to read the rest. When it comes to reading things online, we have a selective attention span; this is why it’s so important to optimize headlines in both blog posts and your email marketing.”
How To Write Subject Lines That Prospects Will Click On (Samantha Russell, Advisor Perspectives)
Streamline your marketing decisions by designing a prospect and client experience map:
“When it comes to my marketing, I don’t want to be that donkey. I want to make the right, definitive decision for my business without being paralyzed. You shouldn’t be that donkey either. However, the odds are against us. We have way more options to choose from than just hay or water (I wish it were that easy). Every single day, some new tool or service — a promise of a breakthrough — is placed within arm’s reach.”
4 Ways To Avoid Decision Fatigue (Robert Sofia, ThinkAdvisor)
How to decide between a commissioned versus salaried role:
Should You Take A Commissioned Or Salaried Financial Planner Role? (Caleb Brown, New Planner Recruiting)
An alternative approach to leading with investments to close more prospects:
“Once you’ve established rapport and have revealed some important lessons you’ve learned along the way, you can start to ask your prospects a few questions about them and then bring it around to their financial situation. Instead of talking about their investment portfolio, lead with a discussion around risk management and risk tolerance. Why? Because in human psychology, the fear of loss is a far greater driver than the opportunity for gain. I found this especially true for wealthy people.”
The Secret To Closing Prospects (Erin Botsford, InvestmentNews)
What topic resonated with you? Comment below!
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