“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more.
Whether you are comparing the rate of your career progression to your peers or helping clients avoid doing the same with their portfolios, how to cure FOMO [Article]:
“FOMO is not new, although social media intensifies it. I remember the internet bull market and bubble from the late 90s and there was plenty of FOMO then too.
And it sure sounds like JP Morgan had it in the 19th century and he was one of the richest men in the world.
When you measure yourself by the standards of others, even a lot is not enough.“
The Cure For FOMO [Philip Pearlman, Prime Cuts]
Negotiating a raise: “triggering events” and tactics [Video]:
How To Ask For A Raise The Right Way [Caleb Brown, New Planner Recruiting]
Messaging principles and tips for a high-converting homepage [Article]:
“Your homepage is the most visited page on your website. So, it’s incredibly important that you are creating copy that draws in your audience and makes them want to stay on your website. In fact, the average visitor to your website spends less than 15 seconds on your site, so how exactly can you reel your visitors in for the long-haul?”
How To Write Engaging Copy For Your Advisory Site’s Homepage [Blair Kelly, Twenty Over Ten]
Best practices and mistakes to avoid when building relationships with media outlets [Podcast at 28:09-mark and Transcript]:
“I have seen a lot… There are a couple of things. To me, mistake number one is not understanding what that media outlet’s focus is or their readership. What are they known for? I’ll give you an example, I actually conducted a bunch of interviews with many of the reporters and editors covering our industry and asked them a bunch of questions about their pet peeves, effective strategies, in addition to my own experience.“
Suzanne Siracuse On Building Relationships With The Media [Stephen Wershing & Julie Littlechild, Becoming Referrable]
Penny Phillips’ framework for deciding what and how to implement conference takeaways [Video]:
How To Implement After A Conference [Penny Phillips, Practice Management With Penny]
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