“Weekend Content for New Financial Planners” is a collection of articles, podcasts, videos, etc. that I’ve been consuming regarding breaking into financial planning, industry trends, career development, and more.
Robert Cialdini’s new “unity” principle of persuasion and primers on “social proof” and “scarcity” for effective marketing [Podcast or Article]:
“There was a study of 6,7000 e-commerce websites where they did A/B testing of various kinds of factors that were on the site and looked to see which were the most powerful in turning prospects into converts. They looked at 29 different factors. Some of them were economic like is there free delivery. Some of them were technological: is there a search function on the site. Some of them were psychological: was there a call to action. The ones that were at the top of the 29 were the principles of influence.”
Persuasion Science: Marketing Insight From Robert Cialdini [Michael Stelzner, Social Media Examiner]
Remove the complex and regain contentment – in your workflows, planning deliverables, and personal life [Article]:
“There’s a reason—or reasons, really—why this is the case. Among them, the pursuit of more is inherently stressful, and that stress has a negative impact on the brain, even to include higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Furthermore, even peak performers only have so much peak performance to spend every day—around four-to-five hours. So trying to force ourselves to achieve much more peak performance ironically leads to lesser performance.”
Complexity: The Killer Of Contentment [Tim Maurer, Forbes]
Carl Richards and Mo Vikrant touch on avoiding the urge to appeal to everyone, because “everyone” doesn’t exist [Video]:
Choose Which Clients To Work With [Carl Richards, The Society of Advice]
An alternative strategy for launching an RIA and the trade-offs: building a firm part-time [Podcast with Transcript]:
“I’m also hearing that this is probably what has kept you in business this long, is that you’ve scaled really slowly so that if you had 80 clients right now and they were all asking you for hard questions and answers, you might go out of business because of the kind of stress that may have-have caused in terms of imposter syndrome.”
Building A Firm Part-Time: An Interview With Spencer Stephens [Maddy Roche, XYPN Radio]
Caleb Brown with some mistakes to avoid during the interview process [Video]:
3 Interview Mistakes New Planners Make While Interviewing and How to Avoid Them [Caleb Brown, New Planner Recruiting]
Simple email marketing tweaks to improve open rates and click-through rates [Video]:
8 Email Marketing Personalization Strategies for Financial Advisors To Increase Opens + CTR [Samantha Russell, Twenty Over Ten]
Which piece of content did you like? Comment below!
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